Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Technology and the Way We Think

Display of global internet use.
Technology is a big part of our lives, and hit has great effects on the way our society thinks. We have been turned from a species of hunters and gatherers whose only goals were to survive by finding food, water, and shelter, to a complex society where technology has pushed are neccessities to be the least of our worries. We can fly to the other side of the country in half a day where it use to take months to cross the country and so many peopled died, that by the time they reached their destination they were practically a completely different group.

The internet has been the most prominent technology of the twenty-first century. Over the past decade it has exploded and now it is such an intricate part of our lives that not having it would be a peril close to death. The internet is basically the access of everything at the fingertips of its user. We can access practically any peice of knowledge we want, and yet, our society is getting dumber. We have all of knowledge at our grasp and we use this gift on talking to friends down the street and looking at pictures of cats. The ability to access unlimited knowledge has made knowledge less valuable.

In our society we have replaced what we need with what we want. Our desires have become our necessities. We live in a country without any real essential needs that we make the biggest deals over the smallest obstacles. A term know as "First World Problems" are the only things that we have left to complain about, so naturally we make them into something bigger than what they really are.

We frustrate ourselves over the minorest set-backs and refuse to see how blessed and incredible our lives really are. Technology has vastly improved our lives, but it has made us soft. Suicide and depression have increased. How can we cope with big problems if we can't even handle the little ones. We are a culture blinded to our blessings yet able to point out the tiniest inconveniences. We curse every tear and forget every smile. Our existence is at its highest, but we  are mentally at our all-time low.

We live in a time where anything we want can be sent to us in an instant. We can call someone across the world. We can google anything on our minds. We don't even have to watch a television show on its airdate. We get whatever we want whenever we want it. We are a society without patience. People use to think that air travel and microwave dinners were making people impatient, but now people's mentallities are much more selfish, and they will continue to get worse as technology gets more advance. I can imagine how an invention like a teleporter or flying cars would effect the way our society thinks.

Our culture, no matter how good we got it, always wants the nex best thing. The Iphone 4s no longer matters, we all need the Iphone 5. Having a flip phone is practically being a second class citizen. We will continue to want more than we have. It may propel us to unimaginable technilogical feats, but it will decay our humanity, our relationships, and our identities. We could live in the perfect eutopia and we would still not be satisfied.

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